Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Marvin the Monarch

It's been a while since our last blog entry!  I blame the nice weather, fun things we've been doing, and amount of time spent working.  This blog entry is the story of Marvin, our pet monarch butterfly.  Nate and I adopted Marvin when we were up at the cabin frolicking in the meadows.  Nate found the then tiny Marvin munching on a milkweed leaf (he's the minute squiggle):

We took Marv and his leaf and put him in an old coffee jar.  He made the trek back to Minnetonka in the car.  Nate collected milkweed at work or we picked it at the park every few days to keep Marvin's diet healthy and fresh.  He had a ravenous appetite.  Soon we had quite the caterpillar!

One day we found Marvin in his "J-position", hanging upside down in his jar.  This is the first step the caterpillar takes in becoming a butterfly.  Marv had anchored himself by his rear end to the top of the jar and was hanging in a curved shape.  Soon, he formed his chrysalis.

You can see the "gold necklace" at the top of his chrysalis.  This is characteristic of monarchs.  Very cool!  Marvin stayed inside for over a week and we could slowly see him taking shape through the outside of the chrysalis.  Then one day...

He emerged!  He hung on the remains of his chrysalis and filled out his wings.  When he looked ready to go, we carefully transferred him to a stick and placed him outside, ready to fly away.

In about an hour Marvin was gone.  He had taken his first flight and probably found a tasty flower to snack on.  Goodbye Marvin!  I hope you lead a wonderful life as a Monarch Butterfly and do all the good, beautiful, pollinating things that Monarchs do!


econutjob said...

Very cool!

ahuinker said...

Can't wait to do this same "experiment" with the girls sometime - maybe next year you'll bring us back a Marin too! Hope to meet you sometime soon, Nicole!