Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mystery Heirlooms

At last week's farmers market, Nicole and I purchased some fingerling seed potatoes from one of the vendors, choosing three varieties: French fingerling, Blossom, and Austrian Crescent. We loved the unique colors and patterns, characteristics you don't get from your standard Russet or Yukon Gold varieties. They would make for a great addition to our All Blue's, which just decided to poke their heads through the ground!

Thyme and I prepared the starters last weekend, then I planted them Wednesday. I'm not sure the treatment of these were the best; but worst case they don't sprout and we plant something else.

Interesting fact: the USDA estimates that on a per capita basis, Americans eat one hundred twenty-four pounds of potatoes each year.

French Fingerling
Interesting marbled interiors.

Interestingly, I can find nothing on the internet about Blossom. For all we know, the farmer could be making up the name; or we could be holding onto a unique heirloom that has not received enough publicity. Nevertheless, these are the most unique.

Austrian Crescent